[Release] SilVerTek LMS Version26 as of February 6, 2024

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SilVerTek LMS Version26
Version 26
1. Minor updates on Division A/D Test Module.
2. Major security updates on examination browsers. Examination state can now be persistent and cannot be affected
  refresh and exits of exam browsers. Examination state includes examination basic information, student taker,
  time, score, questions answered, and questions not answered. Exam browser can also detect if previous examination
  has not finished and provide option to continue that previous examination.
3. Minor security updates on Examination records on Classes.
4. Minor security updates on Division A/D Test module.
5. Major security updates on adding learners.
6. Minor updates on monitoring examinations. Only scores are being displayed.
7. Minor updates on examination records. Confirmation is now added before deleting examination.
8. Minor updates on Burning Brains team category.
9. Fix on downloading SF9 on grades 4-6.
10. Major updates on Math Identification Quiz maker and browser. Teacher and User answer text input now is capable on
    on accepting mathematical expressions.
11. Minor update on quiz browsers. Student takers now able to identified if host is connected or disconneted.
12. Fix on error on TCR reporting on examinations with "submit all at once" setting.
13. Lesson Plan module is added in Classes.
14. IPAD module is added also in classes.
15. Major update on system dependencies management. System is able to detect if an edge browser is already installed.
16. Fix on examination monitoring error when adding a students using the My Learners module in classes.
thanks sir! Wink

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